Three days in…..

I’ve always loved to write and keep a journal when I travel. I recently went on a fabulous trip of a lifetime with my husband to the Mediterranean. When I returned home, I decided to write about it on Facebook. I turned it into a “serial” story. All my friends loved it and one of my special friends insisted that I write for some newspaper! Well, that isn’t in my bailiwick, so I decided to write a blog! Oh, how simple that sounds. I went online, found a website that talked about blogs, hosting, and how simple it could be. I could set it up in 20 minutes! Hey, man, that’s my style.  Well, I am into day three and my blog still isn’t established and google says the site is a fire hazard or some such. I have contacted the sweet little man who said it would take 20 minutes AND that he would set up my site for me for free if I bought something else he was peddling. Well, I’m still waiting. 

After waiting and waiting and waiting – I found a page that says “start blogging”, so I am taking them up on it.

Let me tell you a little about me. I was born in the outskirts of Elba, Alabama in 1947. My mother was fatally injured in a fire when I was about 7 months old and I began living with my paternal Grandparents. I lived with them until I was about 10, when my sweet, wonderful stepmother, Earline, had my baby sister! She was born 3 days before my 10th birthday, came home from the hospital on my birthday – and I thought she was my birthday present.

I graduated from Enterprise High School in 1965 and from the Enterprise State Junior College in its first graduating class – 1967. I married, the first time in 1967, the second time in 1977, and fearing a repeat of past fiascos, married the third time in 1988 – no more 7’s! I am presently married to my favorite husband – Joseph.

I worked for the Social Security Administration for MANY years and retired in 2009 from my position as a program analyst in the Seattle Regional Commissioner’s office. Joseph is a software engineer and moved around a lot as a result of various lay-offs, closures, downturns, etc. Because there are SSA offices EVERYWHERE, I was able to transfer and follow him – sometimes into the wild blue yonder!

We met in Gadsden AL, where our 12 year old children introduced us to one another. We married a year and a half later and have been very happy. I never in my wildest dreams as a youngster imagined a life as full of happiness, sadness, adventure and fulfillment as I have had. I hope to share some of my memories with you.